Articles of Religion of Methodism
The 25 Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church are the primary doctrinal foundations of Methodism, and serve as the standards to which all the people called Methodists are held.
Prayer Is Where the Action Is
A website created by an YMFT member for the pursuing of doctrinal holiness and improved and expanded prayer for those called Methodists.
The purpose of this website is to serve as an exceedingly simple compendium of Methodist booklets and other resources compiled or authored by its curator to interested persons free-of-charge. Although this platform may not be the most aesthetically-pleasing form of website creation on the internet, it is used to keep costs low enough to make distributing the resources contained herein plausible.
Affiliated Social Media Ministries - A social media account dedicated to explaining and posting on aspects of Wesleyan Arminianism and High Church Methodism. - Methodist answers and explanations with respect to theology, common misconceptions, and contemporary issues. - Provides a young Methodist's thoughts on various theological issues and bring you along on a journey across Methodist theology and history.