Resolution on the Eucharist

Resolution on Frequent Administration of the Eucharist

WHEREAS the Eucharist is a true partaking of the Body and Blood of Christ, according to the

Scriptures, the early church, and our own doctrinal standards; and

WHEREAS John Wesley, the Reformers, and the New Testament all advocate for participation in

the Sacrament as often as Christians met in worship; and

WHEREAS the reason for monthly communion, namely, the shortage of ordained ministers with

sacramental authority in the young Methodist Church, is no longer an issue affecting the United

Methodist Church; and

WHEREAS the sacrament is not merely a memorial or symbol, but a means of grace;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that it is a spiritual abuse of the congregation of Christ to

administer the Eucharistic Means of Grace any less than weekly; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a weekly Eucharist be encouraged as the standard practice in

all United Methodist Churches; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that ministers be encouraged to teach Communion as the real

spiritual presence of Christ, both to explain the change in practice to their congregations, to

encourage them that they truly partake of the Body and Blood of Christ, and to warn again vain

participation in it by those who know Christ not.