Resolution on the Adoption of the 3 Ecumenical Creeds
WHEREAS our faith is based on the Christology and Gospel definition of the Nicene Creed; and
WHEREAS the Athanasian Creed echoes the teaching of Nicene Creed, and clarifies it; and
WHEREAS the Apostles Creed also echoes the teaching of the Nicene Creed, and simplifies it;
WHEREAS the Fathers of the Church catholic, the formularies of the Anglican expression of the
Church, and the pioneers of the Methodist practice within the Church, all affirmed the truths put
forth in these Creeds; and
WHEREAS these are an accurate expression of the Faith of the United Methodist Church, and of
all Christians; and
WHEREAS the Nicene and Apostles’ creeds are included in the United Methodist Hymnal
BE IT RESOLVED that the 3 ecumenical creeds be expressly affirmed by the Annual
Conference; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that every local church, in the Sunday service, ought to recite
one of these at least once a month; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Athanasian Creed, in saying that “one cannot be saved
without believing it firmly and faithfully,” ought to be understood as condemning a rejection of
it, but not condemning ignorance of it; that is, one cannot be saved while rejecting the teaching
of the creed, but may still be saved while misunderstanding the creed.