Resolution on the Lovefeast
WHEREAS the Lovefeast is an apostolic institution, according to the scriptures and the early
church, along with our own tradition; and
WHEREAS Lovefeasts are not only a meeting, but also a means of grace and a converting
ordinance, and an opportunity to attain entire sanctification; and
WHEREAS the Lovefeast has a special place in Methodist tradition due to its unique nature;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the administration the Lovefeast less than weekly or, in
extenuating circumstances, quarterly and upon the eve of major feast days; is heavily
discouraged; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Lovefeast be encouraged to be practiced as
aforementioned at all United Methodist Churches; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that effort be undertaken with all reasonable means and speed to
encourage the participation of congregants in this celebration of Christ-like love; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that ministers be encouraged to teach their congregations the
purpose, history, and meaning of the Lovefeast.